Api Reference


This function starts SeqFlow and renders the component into the DOM element.

function start<
	Component extends SeqflowFunction<FirstComponentData>,
	FirstComponentData extends JSX.IntrinsicAttributes
	root: HTMLElement,
	firstComponent: Component,
	componentOption: FirstComponentData | undefined,
	seqflowConfiguration: Partial<SeqflowConfiguration>
): AbortController;


  • root: HTMLElement - The DOM element where the component will be rendered.
  • firstComponent: Component - The SeqFlow component function.
  • componentOption: FirstComponentData | undefined - The initial state of the component or undefined.
  • seqflowConfiguration?: Partial<SeqflowConfiguration> - The configuration of the SeqFlow instance.
  • log - The object that contains the log functions.
    • info: (l: Log) => void
    • error: (l: Log) => void
    • debug: (l: Log) => void
  • domains - The object that let you to create the custom domains. Empty object by default.
  • config - The application configuration object.
  • router - The router object that contains the navigation methods. By default, the router object will be a BrowserRouter instance.


  • AbortController - The AbortController instance that can be used to stop the whole SeqFlow instance.


The component function is an asynchronous function that renders the component into the DOM element.

type SeqflowFunction<T extends JSX.IntrinsicAttributes> = (
	this: SeqflowFunctionContext,
	data: T
) => Promise<void>;


  • this: SeqflowFunctionContext - The context object that contains the methods to render the component.
  • param: T - The component data parameter object.


This interface is the parameter object that is passed to the component function.


  • app: Readonly<SeqflowAppContext> - The SeqFlow app instance. It contains the context of the application, such as the custom domains, the router object.
  • abortController: AbortController - The instance of the AborteController linked to the component.
  • renderSync: (html: string | JSX.Element) => void - This method renders the HTML string or JSX element into the component mounting DOM element.
  • waitEvents: <Fns extends EventAsyncGenerator<GetYieldType<Fns[number]>>[]>(...fns: Fns) => AsyncGenerator<GetYieldType<Fns[number]>> - The method to wait for multiple events to be triggered.
  • domEvent: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(eventType: K, options) => EventAsyncGenerator<HTMLElementEventMap[K]> - The method to create an async generator that waits for the DOM event to be triggered. The options can:
    • a child key.
    • be an object used to customize the event listener and to prevent the default behavior.
  • domainEvent<BEE extends typeof DomainsPackage.DomainEvent<unknown>>(domainEventClass: BEE): EventAsyncGenerator<InstanceType<BEE>> - The method to create an async generator that waits for the domain event to be triggered.
  • navigationEvent(): EventAsyncGenerator<NavigationEvent> - The method to create an async generator that waits for the navigation event to be triggered.
  • replaceChild: (key: string, newChild: () => JSX.Element | Promise<JSX.Element>) => void | Promise<void> - The method to replace a child component with the same key with a new component.
  • _el: HTMLElement - The DOM element where the component is mounted.
  • findChild: (key: string) => HTMLElement | null - The method to find a child component by the key. Returns null if the child component is not found.
  • getChild: (key: string) => HTMLElement - The method to get a child component by the key. Thows an error if the child component is not found.
  • createDOMElement - The method to create a DOM element. Don't use this method directly.
  • createDOMFragment - The method to create a Fragment DOM element. Don't use this method directly.


This interface is the object that contains the custom domains you created using start function. This interface is empty by default and you can add your custom domains. See the E-commerce example


This interface is the object that contains the navigation methods.


  • navigate: (path: string) => void - The method to navigate to the given path.
  • segments: string[] - The array of the segments of the current path.
  • back(): void - Perform the back action.
  • install(): void - This method is used internally to install the router.
  • getEventTarget(): EventTarget - This method is used internally to get the event target.