Split into components

Our application is simple for now. But typically, applications are more complex and have multiple components. Let's split the application into different components.

Create new components

Let's start by creating a new component that will show the quote. We continue to overwrite the src/Main.tsx file just to keep things simple to follow.

Replace the src/Main.tsx file content with the following:

import { Prose } from "@seqflow/components";
import { Contexts } from "@seqflow/seqflow";

interface Quote {
	author: string;
	content: string;

async function getRandomQuote(): Promise<Quote> {
	const res = await fetch("https://quotes.seqflow.dev/api/quotes/random")
	return await res.json();

// This is the new component: it receives a quote and renders it
function Quote({ quote }: { quote: Quote }, { component }: Contexts) {
// The loading component
function Loading({}, { component }: Contexts) {
// The error component
function ErrorMessage(data: { error: unknown }, { component }: Contexts) {
	if (data.error instanceof Error) {
	} else {
			<p>Unknown error</p>

export async function Main({}, { component }: Contexts) {
		<Loading />

	let quote: Quote;
	try {
		quote = await getRandomQuote();
	} catch (error) {
			<ErrorMessage error={error} />

		<Quote quote={quote} />

As you can see, SeqFlow components can be created as sync or async functions that accept two parameters:

  • the component properties;
  • the context object used to interact with the component.

In the above code, we created:

  • the Loading component to show a loading message;
  • the ErrorMessage component to show an error message.
  • the Quote component to show the quote;

Finally, we updated the Main component accordingly.


We split the application into multiple components.

In the next guide, we will learn how to handle user interactions.